Harvey – Baltimore Clipper

Martin Jelsema’s Harvey from October 2023 Exhibit

This Baltimore Clipper from a kit named Harvey is being modified and built by Martin Jelsema

Modeler’s Name: Martin Jelsema
Period: Early 19th Century
Scale: 1:50
Type of Model: Modified kit – plank on frame
Build Time: 250 hrs so far

Build Materials:
This modified plank on bulkhead kit by Artisania Latina contains several wood types and will be complemented by brass and rigging cord of various sizes. Cherry wood was substituted for the walnut strips provided by the manufacturer. The entire deck layout will adhere to actual ship plans instead of the inaccurate deck plan supplied.

Ship’s Story:
There was no ship named Harvey from the time or the design of this model. Therefore, much research from several books will make it an authentic Baltimore Clipper fitted as a privateer in service of the U.S. during the War of 1812. The ship will be rigged as a topsail schooner.