CSS Alabama

Martin Jelsema modified the CSS Alabama from the Mamoli kit

Martin Jelsema modified the CSS Alabama from the Mamoli kit

Modeler’s Name: Martin Jelsema

Period: Civil War
Scale: 1:120
Type of Model: Modified kit – plank on frame
Build Time: 700hrs

Build Materials:
This Model is a modified plank on bulkhead Mamoli kit build. Both deck configuration and rigging deviated from the Mamoli plans to follow the details illustrated in the book by Andrew Bowcock, Anatomy of a Confederate Raider. Hull is double planked in basswood and walnut. The “hammocks” on the rails are Q-tips. Completed with wood, cord and metal fittings.

Ship’s Story:
The CSS Alabama was Confederate raider whose mission was to interrupt Union merchant trade during the Civil War. During it’s two years of raiding it captured 63 American merchant ships and one War Ship. It was in port at Cherbourg, France when “called out” by the USS Kearsarge. It was sunk by the Kearsarge. It was discovered by divers and is being raised little by little by the French.